Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back at it...

Day 1 of the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. OMGOSH! I was sweating so much afterwards. As it came to an end I was more able to do more of the cardio easier. The jumping jacks are hard to do with my boobs. Oh how I yearn for the day I go in for my reduction.

Weight: 214.4 lbs   Hips: 46.50 Waist: 37.50 Neck: 13.75 BMI: 38.1 Waist:Hip Ratio: .60 Body Fat%:  47.6%Lean body: 112.4 lbs Overweight by: 74.1 lbs

My goal weight is 140 lbs. I need to lose 14 lbs to get to my pre pregnancy weight. I don't have any other motivation but myself.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Had a busy week last week.

     Monday, I had to have labwork done for my Essure procedure that I had done on Thursday. Tuesday was Miss Payton 2 month checkup and she is growing so big so fast. She is 10lbs 7oz and 22 inches long. Sam was a brat the whole time, screaming her brains out and everything. Payton's doctor is awesome. Makes me feel like an awesome mom. He is the only person that compliments me on how well my daughters are being raised and even made me feel better about the way Sam was acting "Its natural for her to behave this way." Wednesday, was suppose to be a playdate in Rogers at a park, but that was cancelled. Thursday, was my Essure procedure.
    Oh the Essure procedure. I had to be at the hospital at 5:30am to be prepped for the procedure. Sam was doing her usual acting up and Spencer was not being very supportive as usual. I was freaking about the IV and had good reason because the nurse that was to do it couldn't get the other person's IV in. She gave me an injection of lidocain and then TRIED to put the IV in the top of my right hand OUCH!!! She couldn't get it. It got swollen and bruised. Then she gave me another injection of  lidocain in the thumb area of my right hand and finally got the IV started. Once the IV was in the numbing effect of the lidocain took effect. Useless stabs in my opinion. The anesthesiologist spoke to me to tell me I was going to be asleep and then my doctor came in to ask me if the procedure didn't work if I wanted her to go through my belly button and tie my tubes the old fashion way. Well all I remember is getting a dose of feel good meds and then I was in the recovery room. I bled a lot getting out of the bed to change but thats normal. I haven't had bad cramps except once. I am now spotting. I have until January and the procedure should be in full effect as a birth control. For information on the procedure, check out

   I currently have a boring life. I want to start doing my hair bows again and try to start selling them. I am burned out on crocheting right now. I was looking forward to moving to NC but now I am looking forward to moving into a bigger house and decorating it and buying new furniture and stuff. I want  new living room furniture, dining room furniture, TV, bath and bedding for the master bedroom, mattress set, bath for the girls, and I am thinking of redoing Paytons nursery from Winnie the Pooh to Ladybugs that I saw on

Will have new measurements tomorrow. I gained some weight from a growth spurt and increase in milk supply from Payton and from the IV fluids I was given during my procedure.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Scheduled my Essure Procedure

Weight on September 14th: 210lbs (gained 6lbs)
[total weight loss of 20lbs from 230lbs in 5 weeks]
Measurements on September 14th:
Neck: 13.5 Waist: 37 Hips: 46
BMI: 37.3 Waist:Hip Ratio: .59 Body Fat %: 46.8% Lean Body Mass: 111.8lbs
Overweight by: 69.7lbs
Weight for September 22nd: 210lbs (no loss)
Measurements on September 22nd:
Neck: 13 Waist: 36.5 Hips: 46
BMI: 37.3 Waist:Hip Ratio: 0.58 Body Fat %: 46.8% Lean Body Mass: 111.8lbs
Overweight by: 69.7lbs
Well, October 7th, I will be going and getting my Essure Procedure done so I won't have anymore children. It is a highly permanent procedure!! It is the non-surgical version of the tubal litigation.
Payton has thrush and we are on meds to clear it up.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September Already!!

     I can't believe it's already September. This year flew by. So much has happened this year so far. My oldest turned TWO! I had my second and last child. I will be getting the Essure procedure to keep from having anymore. My sister in law got engaged. And we decided to move to North Carolina. I graduated with my AA in Business Admin. and started my Bachelors.
    I am hoping that by this time next year I will be close to my main weight goal of 140lbs. I have gotten all but the last 11lbs off from my pregnancy. So I will have at least 70lbs to go.
   Well, I didn't work out yesterday so I combined both Weds and Thurs workouts today. Weds was Cardio Level 2 and it wasn't so bad, just using some sort of resistance. Thurs was Abs and it was super easy. Tomorrow I will do Fridays and Saturdays workout.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


  So far, I haven't really done any exercising. Just the usual chasing Miss Sam around. I plan on starting the DVD: The Biggest Loser: 30 day Jump Start Workout tomorrow since if I remember correctly the workouts start on a Monday. I will do that for 30 days and then get another DVD.
   I had an appointment at the WIC office for re-certification for me and Payton. They weighed us and checked my iron which I protested. I weighed 211 lbs. that's a 19 lb weight loss in two and a half weeks. I am glad that the weight it coming off. Gives me motivation for the real weight loss. Little Miss Payton is up to 8 lbs 2.5 oz and 20 inches long. Getting so big so fast. My iron was 14.9 and I needed a 12 and they wondered why it was soo good. I told them I don't know. That was a rough day. Payton's cord fell off (which I expected), but I looked at it and this thing was sticking out like a worm (hemangioma or granuloma, not sure which) and it was bleeding. Freaked me out. I took her to the doctor and she put silver nitrate on it and it is looking good so far.
  My classes are soo boring and I feel like I have better things to do than them. It takes everything in me to do the assignments. I hope these next 4 weeks fly by so I can be done with them.
  Yesterday was Sam's second birthday. She had a Tinkerbell party and a friend made her a cake. It was awesome. She got some great gifts and was very well behaved for not having a nap.
 Tomorrow, Sam has her 2yo check up tomorrow and I think she is getting some shots, poor baby. I hope that she doesn't get overly cranky.  
 Payton has been awake at 10pm until at least 1am. I stay up so that Spencer can get sleep especially if he is working the next day. It makes for a very cranky mommy and Sam being a terror makes my days awfully rough.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Just the beginning.

     I gave birth to my second daughter, Payton, on August 8, 2010 at 10:23 a.m. She was 7lbs 6ozs and 19 1/2 inches long. It was the day before my scheduled induction (40 weeks 6 days). I was having contractions off and on for the past 3 weeks, but nothing painful until Thursday, the 5th. These contractions weren't regular or anything to make me think that I was in labor. Saturday, we went out to dinner and the contractions were a tad bit more painful, but I again thought nothing off it because of all the false labor I was having. I apparently labored all night long, around 6:30 a.m. I woke up to a pretty intense contraction, so I decided it was time to get up and get things done before my induction the next day. I started the stew meat for dinner that night and dyed my hair all while having contractions. They were intense and I had to pace back in forth telling myself that it'll be over in a minute. I also touched up the paint on my toes because I just wasn't in the mood to take the blue off to put the new purple I had bought the day before. My husband, Spencer finally got up and it was about 7:30am and I decided to take a shower and shave my legs or at least try to. I came down stairs and Spencer asked if he needed to get Samantha (my first daughter) up and dressed. I told him yes because the baby was coming today. We left the house and made it to the hospital (I kept thinking I was too late for my epidural) Willow Creek at around 8 a.m. Spencer had to take Sam to the waiting area because they didn't allow kids in the ER area. They hooked me up to the monitors and the contractions were really starting to hurt. The nurse checked me and I was at 2-3 cm dilated. I laid there for about 45 minutes and the contractions were now really hurting, where I couldn't breath through them and I WANTED MY EPIDURAL!! The nurse proceeded to tell me that they weren't even sure if I was in labor and that they couldn't give me medicine for the pain. I started crying and called Spencer and told him to call his mom. She came and got Miss Sam and took her to her house. Spencer came back and the nurse gave me an IV for fluids because she thought I was dehydrated and told the dr that. Well, as time crawled by I was screaming from the pain and embarrassing Spencer. The nurse came in and finally started my paper work and got consent to where I can have drugs. They gave me demerol and phenegren. I started throwing up and was in soo much pain. Finally the nurse came back to check me I was a 5. The nurse called the dr and they called the anesthesiologist. This was probably about 9:30 a.m. The nurses from the "floor" came and got me to move me to my room. I was screaming the whole time. The contractions were right on top of each other. I got to go pee and then climbed in bed. This foreign lady was trying to ask me questions, but I wasn't in the mood to answer and she refused to ask Spencer. I felt like I needed to go poop and the nurses helped me back to the bathroom, but for some reason when I actually told them what I needed to do they told me I had to go back to the bed. They had TWO nurses drag me back to the bed and pry my legs open to check me as my dr was walking in the room (not the person I wanted to see). They said shes a 10 and we're having a baby! I was like oh no we aren't until I get my epideral. It was too late! They broke the bed down, broke my water, and made me push with the help of the nurses forcing my legs back (if it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't have been able to do it by myself). I pushed twice. Out came Miss Payton with a head full of dark hair. I was shocked and so was Spencer at how quick it went. It hurt sooo much. I am seriously glad Payton is our last child.