Monday, July 11, 2011

Started couponing and other updates!!!

    I got bit by the couponing bug. I have my binder with coupons and lists. I have my Walgreen's and Family dollar list ready for Saturday. I am hoping to get us as a family of 4 living off of $50 a week or less. I usually shop at Walmart so that's were a lot of my shopping will be. I am also doing Target and Dollar General and the local grocery store Harps. A couple of friends do this too. It was an inspiration seeing their hauls. Makes me anxious to shop and see what i can get free. This past weekend I was able to save $12.50. Once I get the hang of this I am hoping to be able to take the savings and put them into a savings account for family vacations.
    Payton is now in a toddler bed because she LOVES to climb and we were worried she would climb to the top of the rails and fall out. She fell out twice the 1st night but hasn't since. I think she is quite proud to be a big girl. Her bday is in less than a month. I have everything but the food for her party. I am super excited!!!
    Sam's bday is in less than 2 months and I also have everything needed for her bday except the pinata I plan on making using this blog  Via this link below:
   I have also started a kindergarten prep home learning with Sam. This week we are learning about the weather. Today was the first day and it was a discussion on all the different types of weather. I started a blog about it, you can follow the blog here:
  Updates on myself: I have finished my last class of my degree. I am hopeful for Cum Laude in my Bachelors degree in Business Administration with a focus in Health Care Management. I am also on my way to be a skinnier me. I have lost a total of 23 lbs since I had my daughter Payton in August 2010. I have about 70 more lbs or so to go. I have also found out I cannot tolerate anything with wheat in it. This is bad but it helps me to stay on the Atkins diet for the most part. Still having issues with potatoes and corn. But I got this. I have been regular sugary drinks free for 2 weeks!! Awesome!! I have a blog for my weight loss and one for the LCSF lifestyle that I am working towards. You can find them here: and Well, got to go for now!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

On the home front.

Well with the fourth of July celebrations, we found out that Sam really doesn't like loud things. We also found out that Payton loves them. I have been slowly going totally low carb and sugar free. The weight is slowly coming off. I found my old high-school pictures and Man I was SKINNY. Total motivation lifter there. I am having a tough time with Sam's terrible twos. By the end of the day I am totally wiped out. Payton has been super whiny, I am thinking it is teething because she isn't normally this fussy. Oh and she LOVES watermelon. LOL She would scream at me to give her some when I wasn't fast enough to stuff it into her mouth. Cute now, but not so cute later. I guess time to start the manners lesson. My little boog is growing up so fast. Only 1 month until her huge B-day bash!! I broke down and did her party in the Disney Princesses. LOL And her bedroom will be transformed into that as well for her "big" girl room (toddler).
   I got a bunch of new yarn from Walmart for a dollar. Going to make something with it to sell. I am finished with a shawl I made. I am also so close to being down with a blanket that goes with it. I started a new blanket for Sam. It will have her name and Minnie Mouse on it since she LOVES her. I got so many projects started that I ran out of yarn for.