Tuesday, January 4, 2011


    Haven't been on here in a while. 2010 was a great year because I had my second little girl. I got to finish out the year in my hometown (Jacksonville, Florida) where my family got to meet my little girls for the first time. They also got to go to the beach and the zoo. It was a LONG great weekend, a Christmas present from my hubby. We also went up to my sister in laws house where she got to meet Payton for the first time. Wish we could have stayed a little longer.
  I have been having some stomach issues with heart burn where I think I may have an ulcer from stress. I also have been losing tons of hair from the lack of pregnancy hormones. I swear I should be bald by now. So I am hoping for a more stressfree life this year.

   I am thinking of doing the Atkins diet in order to lose weight and become healthier. I have heard that there are health issues concerning this diet, but I am not taking it to the extreme because I am still breastfeeding Payton (almost 5 months EBF!!!).  I want something for the rest of my life. I am hoping that the induction phase drops the weight quickly though, but I will be happy with any type of weight loss. I need to lose a lot of weight. I have seen the pictures taken from our vacation and I am seriously depressed with the way I look. Its funny how I am shaped. I have a skinny neck, arms, feet, calves. My shoulders are skinny too. Once I get a good handle on the weight loss when it comes to the food choices, I will start with exercising. Its hard for me to do most stuff because of how big I am.

 Resolutions/ Goals for 2011:
Be better organized.
Get new furniture.
Be more creative with Sam and Payton.
Lose weight.


  1. it saddens me that your depress with how you look, I think you look beautiful. But I know how you feel when it comes to looking at pictures of yourself, because I hate looking at em because of how I look.

  2. Yea. But I am taking action to change it. I was huge in the carosel pics that I cropped myself out of them.

  3. I hate pictures of me that is why im always the one behind the camera! We dont weigh that much of a difference. When I was going to the gym before randy got back I was 202 now that he is back and were eating all the time I got back up to 210! Im hoping that when we move out Ill be able to eat right.
