Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hate the Sickies!

  Well, I woke up feeling like crap this morning. Sinus pain and congestion with runny nose. Ecck. Oh well. Just need to let it ride out and drink lots of chicken broth and try to get some rest. Thats kinda hard to do with Sam. Shes going 100 mph all the time.
  Yesterday, I had my appointment for the HSG test to check to see if the Essure fully closed of my tubes. The test wasn't as bad as I thought. My right tube is completely blocked, but the bad news is that my left one is still open. The tech. thinks that it will probably take about 6 months for it to close. I have to wait til my GYN calls to discuss what to do next. I can still get pregnant, which isnt something that we want.
  Later that afternoon, we went to look at a rental house. 3 bedrooms/2 baths/ 2 car garage, total of 1500 sqft heated for less than $700 a month. It was frickin huge. We turned in an application and hoping to hear back from the realtor we are working with to see if we got the house. Keeping fingers crossed we do!! We also filed our taxes and to get them something in the next 2 weeks so thats when we are hoping to move. We are also getting new furniture, which I cannot be more happy about. We have all of it picked out. The only thing is the misc. stuff we need to get.
 We went to Logans steak house for dinner. I am so PROUD of myself for resisting the yummy sweet yeast rolls they have. My hubby ate then in front of me too >:O which made me mad for choosing this place to  eat. I ordered a steak with grilled shrimp and veggie skewers with a salad (vinegrette on the side~ which I hardly touched), and an unsweet tea sweetened with a tad of splenda. The second tea I didn't need any sweetner in it, I guess I am getting over the need for sugar.
   Going to make spagetthi and meat balls for the family. But going to have veggies intead of the pasta !


  1. you should try to make lasagna (spell?) with egg instead of pasta, it was a weight watchers thing, you mix up your eggs and put it in a pan and let it cook flat then put it in a pan and make layers, its actually really good. When randy and i move were going to start eating right, fruit and veggies no junk food, even going to cut the junk food from tay too, were going to start going to work out too. Im hoping to lose atleast 15 lbs since were gonna start trying for a baby next month, ima need to change my eating habits since this is something we both wanted.

  2. Ill keep that in mind. Im just trying to keep the variety of foods low to keep the carb count low. But I also want variety but it gets hard t find induction friendly recipes that everyone will eat. I made hamburgers without the bun topped with mexican shredded cheese and bacon and cauliflower. It was ok but I think it was the worstershire sauce that made it taste funky even though Spencer didnt say it tasted that why. Must be cause I am sick. who know?! LOL
